Q. What is the difference between LLP and One Person Company?

by Paras Mehra 1.21K

The LLP and One person Company is totally a different story altogether. A Limited Liability Partnership is a modern way of doing the partnership business in India. Likewise, One Person Company is also a modern way of doing the sole proprietorship business in India. Let us see the difference:

Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP)

One Person Company (OPC)

It is a modern partnership with limited liability.

It is a modern proprietorship with limited liability.

At least, two persons are required to register LLP in India

Only one person is required to register in India.

The audit is mandatory after 40 lakh of turnover or 25 lakh of contribution (capital).

Audit is mandatory even in the case of zero turnover irrespective of the capital amount.

The compliance cost is low as compared to One Person Company (OPC)

Compliance is more than LLP

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